Growing long hair is possible. But before we talk growth, I want to encourage every natural and state that natural hair looks good at any length. Having healthy hair is key for it to grow it to it maximum potential. I have always stated the natural hair grows, but length retention is the way to see results of the growth.
I’ve heard the myths and believed them at one point on my natural hair journey. Myths such as “black hair doesn’t grow”, “black is too fragile to grow long” I have dispelled those myths and now I am seeing growth and desire length of my hair. After trial and error, I found that hair care is essential and critical when it comes to hair growth. Overall health also plays a significant role for maximum growth and length. Here are 7 powerful and effective tips to maximize the growth of your hair and retain length.
- Pre-Poo Treatment. This much needed treatment and nourishment of your hair prior to washing. Pre-pooing the hair gives it an extra layer of protection due the shampooing process can strip the hair further drying it out. Pre-pooing the natural hair help add moisture to dry locks, promote softer hair, makes detangling a breeze and washing the hair more of a breeze.
- Moisture. I cannot stress this enough. Natural hair requires moisture due it being susceptible to dryness. When natural hair is dry, it is prone to breakage. I recommend when dealing with natural hair in a dry state, add some water or conditioner to make the hair easier to manipulate and work through. Moisture in itself does not help the hair grow, but adding moisture plays an essential role in retaining length.

- Getting Trims. Trimming natural hair does not make hair grow faster but is another tool to use in your toolbox in retaining length. Trimming old straggly ends is beneficial in maximizing growth results. Getting rid of those ends make the hair easier to style and manipulate. Those straggly ends can get caught in the good ends and even the hair causing breakage which can decrease in the length you retain.
- Hair Grease/Oils. I know that with using hair grease it can seem taboo in the natural hair community, but it you have been following my channel and blog I incorporate hair grease into my hair care regimen. I use it as sealant to seal in moisture and protect the ends of my hair. Doing this helps aide in length retention which maximizes the growth of my hair. If you are still skeptical about the hair greases, use hair oils instead. The oils are light, but still has the same benefits as hair grease.
- Clarifying Your Scalp. Again, if you have been following my blog for some time, I use clarifying shampoos. I must incorporate them in my natural hair regimen, due to me using hair grease and conditioners with silicones. Clarifying shampoos remove product build up from the scalp allowing for the pores to open allowing the follicles to breathe promoting hair growth. Rule of thumb, if you don’t use paraben and sulfates, it is still good to clarify the hair at least every two weeks.
- Overall Health. This is critical. Nutrition is critical for hair growth. Deficiencies can cause the hair not to reach its full potential. The old phrase “You are what you eat” says a mouth full. Consider a balanced diet with a healthy serving of fruits, vegetables, & whole grains. These provide the hair with nourishment aide in maximum results for growth.

- Be Patient. Embrace your natural hair journey. Use the time learn your hair. Find out what works and stick to it. Also while on the journey to find out root cause of what might be stunting your hair growth. Don’t compare your hair to no one else’s. After all, for me it’s the health of my natural hair and not the length.
Wrap Up
Getting maximum growth and length retention of your hair is not difficult or impossible. Know your hair and set routine that works best for you. BE CONSISENT!!! Do not neglect factors that can stunt the process of the results you are desiring to achieve for you natural hair. Incorporate these tips and watch your hair flourish!!!