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We all have some form of knowledge about pressing your way thru something.  We can press our way thru sickness.  We can press our way thru hard times.  We can press our way thru life.  Pressing your way thru anything basically means despite all obstacles and odds, I will go thru  with the determination to win!!!.  Pressing you way thru is easier said than done.  Let’s be real and honest Nobody wants to go thru anything.  Nobody wants to face obstacles.  Everyone wants to go thru life with a bed of ease.  I hear to you not if but when obstacles come, pressing your way thru is essential to key to being victorious on any situation. The first thing in pressing your way thru is acknowledging that you are in for a fight. This requires you to face all odds and get ready to fight.  This means leaving your comfort zone.  We only want to go thru things that require no effort but when life, hits you hard the only way to get back is to press thru what ever is holding you down.  Can I be real the enemy fights you in every way he can.  For example Sunday morning, we get up and really not feeling it today per say, but some way some how we ended up in the house of the Lord.  This was accomplished when we pressed our way to church.  Whatever obstacle or feeling that was trying to hold you from getting to the house of the Lord.  You faced it and fought your way.

In scripture, we see the woman with issue of blood.  For twelve (12) long years she had spent all she had on doctors for healing that see never received, but one day she pressed her way thru the crowd.  She just touched the hem of HIS garment and she was healed.  She faced the obstacles of crowd, she did whatever it took for her to just touch HIM. As a result of her pressing her way thru, she was made whole. Now I feel that SOMETIMES we can miss GOD due to certain things that we are not willing to press our way thru.  If it had been us we probably would have allowed the crowd to stop us.  “My God!!!”  Begin to look at obstacles that are currently in your life or obstacles that you no longer face due to what was in front of you.  Deal with it, the LORD has equipped you to do it.  PRESS ON!!!

The second thing is DETERMINATION.  We have to be determined to see the other side of the thing.  We often look at right now, instead of the end or what is ahead.  The bible declares, better is the end of a thing.  Even if death is the end, dying in CHRIST is better in the end- #EternalLIfe!!!  We have to be determined that my ultimate destination is for CHRIST our KING to be glorified.  Staying determined requires for you to have tunnel vision.  Do NOT get distracted by what is all around you.  This means the obstacles that are trying to get you to loose focus, be DETERMINED that I will remain focus on that which it takes for me to accomplish my goal.

FINALLY I use the acronym P.R.E.S.S.  This means Prayer, Reaching, Expectation, Striving and Soar!!!.  Begin to use prayer.  Pray without ceasing.  Reach or obtain what is for you, and that is an expected end.  This lead to Expectation, things take time.  For example when a mother is pregnant, she doesn’t have the baby during the first (1st) month of pregnancy, she has to go thru a process for nine to ten months, by nurturing her body and preparing for what is to come.  Do this with your situation. “I ask are you Expecting?”  After expectation, STRIVE for the thing, continue the path that will bring results.  For example, you can loose weight, still eating the same foods along with no exercise.  Finally SOAR!!! Mount up on wings like eagles and begin to SOAR over what the LORD has given you victory over.
