Hair and Beauty Tips

Hair Product is Not Working for You, Consider These Things…

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Like all-natural hair GLAMs such as myself, we all have a stash of natural hair care products on shelves or under bathroom sinks etc.  We accumulate so much hair products due to reading the raving product reviews, watching tutorials etc.  Some products do excellent and others are a complete waste of money and time. 

Let’s face it we all have bad hair days, but could it actually be the product that is actually not working on your natural hair.  It can be difficult to detect bad hair products, but understanding your hair and how that product cooperates with your hair is essential in determining if the product is doing your natural hair justice.  This post discloses some tips on what to look for when natural hair products is not working for you.

  • Dry after Moisturizing.  This is a clear indicator that the product is not working.  Once the conditioner is applied to the hair and it is not softened or manageable, ditch the product and try something different.  I have found that some conditioners work great as deep conditioners but not as styler. I happen to use rinse out conditioners as leave in some leaves are great for deep conditioning but not so great when it comes to styling.
  • Hair flaking.  Now as a DISCLAIMER I have applied conditioner on my hair and once it dries, it flakes I use some oil or hair grease to minimize the flaking.  The flaking I am talking about it once you apply the product and flakes appear, especially if the hair is clean and freshly washed. This is a clear indicator that you may need to try another product.
  • None or Not Enough Slip.  Slip allows you to easily detangle the hair and aids in single strand knots and knots all together.  Having no slip or not enough slip will make hair harder to manipulate leading to breakage.  If you are getting this from your hair product leave it a search for something better.
  • Frizz/Flyaway.  In a nut shell, no product should make the hair frizz.  An ideal product will make the hair sleek and lay the cuticles nice and flat, leaving them smooth and not frizzy.
  • Breakage. If you start to notice more hair breakage after starting the use of a new hair product.  Toss is out immediately.  This is an indicator that something in the product did not agree with your hair.
  • Detangling Difficulties. Products should aide in the detangling process not make it harder to manage.  The product should have enough slip which I discussed in Tip 4.  The slips allow for the hair to be separated making the hair more manageable.  Tangled and matted hair leads to breakage and the product used for it should make it breeze.

Wrap Up

In your product stash, if you have a product that fall into any of these tips mentioned, ditch them.  Release it no matter how much money you may have invested in it.  Holding on to it and using it more will only create future problems on your natural hair journey.  Try different products until you find what works for you.  Check ingredients, sometimes it could also be hormonal changes that will cause a product not to be conducive for your hair. 


2 thoughts on “Hair Product is Not Working for You, Consider These Things…

    1. Thanks love for your feedback. I happen to love the Tresemme hair products myself. I use the Moisture Rich Conditioner along with the conditioner. It does wonders for my hair. The moisture Rich shampoo by Tresemme does not leave my hair feeling stripped after washing. I can detangle with the shampoo. Thanks for your continued support of all endeavors. Much appreciated!!! “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” 3 John 1:2

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