Covid 19 has been a virus for the century. With social distancing, lockdowns, masks ordinances etc., Covid 19 has has changed our lives drastically.
Wearing a mask has also taken a on a whole new meaning for makeup wearers. Many are wondering if wearing makeup affects the effectiveness of the mask. Makeup does not the make the mask less effective. You can still wear foundation including lipstick. But it’s like what is the point of wearing makeup, to only have to cover it with a required face covering. Mask wearing, foundation, lipstick, blush, bronzer etc. can cause irritation of the skin.
We are now coming out the of the summer months and as for me I did not even touch makeup, for one it was too hot, and two to have a mask on only compounded my skin frustrations. I had to deal with makeup transfer, skin becoming itchy and breakouts. I then began to decrease my makeup wear and shift my focus on much needed skin care that I was neglecting.
My New Focus is Skin Care
Glowy skin, dewy cheekbones and poppin lips are usually the shot caller for any beauty routine. Now with the mask ordinance, I have been focusing and devoting my time on skin care. I highly recommend this because your skin will love and appreciate it. I have been doing the at home steam treatments, diy masks and diy exfoliations of the skin. With this pandemic, I have been giving my skin the much-needed care it so desperately needed and deserved. Doing this I have found my skin being able to thrive and surprisingly I have developed a new level of confidence of me not wearing the makeup.
Want to Wear Makeup, Make the Eyes the Focus

I still wear makeup, but my focus is all on the eyes being that the lips and cheeks hidden. Even though half of your face is covered, the best bet is to maximize on your eyes. Wearing mascara, eye lashes and eyeshadows can make the eyes pop and stand out. The eyes now will be the first thing people will notice, use it to your advantage. I happen to love to have fun with colors that are vibrant and bold. This will enhance the focus on the eyes. You can even match your shadows to go with the color of your mask!!!
Can I Wear Other Makeup Products?

If you want to wear make up other that shadow, lashes, and mascara you can. I would suggest going for a waterproof or matte foundation and long wearing matte lipstick. Wearing these makeup products will help your makeup stay put and in place underneath the mask. I would also suggest a setting spray to increase the staying power of the makeup. Wearing a tinted moisturizer, not a foundation is highly recommended. It is a lighter weight option not making the face feel masky. Breakouts and skin irritation may occur. Best practices are to keep the face and mask clean. While out in public, try not to touch your face, so touching up makeup should be minimal. It you absolutely must; clean your hands and have a fresh mask on hand.
Be Clean and Sanitized

Makeup users and wearers need to keep all supplies clean. Being that Covid is here, it is highly recommended to use disposable or washable sponges. Brushes are still fine, but make sure they are clean not left out in the open. Anytime you must touch your face, make sure your hands are cleaned as well as any makeup applicators.
Wrap Up

Wearing makeup during this time can still be accomplished if proper techniques are used. Take this time to focus on your skin, like I have done. My skin has thrived as a result leaving me less appt to wear makeup at all. Consider the matte, waterproof and smudge proof foundations. Wear a matte or long wearing lip color if you desire lipstick. Be clean and always sanitized. Having clean hands, face, masks, and tool are essential during makeup mask and Covid 19 era. What are some of your make up and mask techniques?