Social media is a place that is always operational, it never takes a break nor sleeps. Social media keeps us informed with current events, grand openings, images, etc. Social media is one of the most priceless tools in modern day technology. This tool allows for us to connect with old friends, make connections, and keep up with current events. The use of social media is very addictive. You now have a craze where people are constantly checking their phones, computers, liking and commenting on every post. With Social Media you can also market and run your business all from your fingertips. Social Media is a useful tool.
I am an upcoming blogger and YouTuber so social media fuels my passion as well. Being that I depend on social media to get my content out connect with others thru collaborations, foster relationships etc., it can be hard to discern when I need a break. My social media breaks are few and far between, but it is vital that I take breaks from time to time.
Social media breaks are helpful. It allows for you to re-evaluate and re- focus on other important things that may have taken a back burner due to you being consumed with social media. Social Media breaks are vital to one’s mind and spirit. Listed below are points that indicate one may need to relax, unwind from a tool that can be both vital and destructive to one’s self.

Social Media is Taking You Away from Time with God and Worship
Ask yourself this, “Is social media separating you from God?” I have to be honest, at times it has for me. Times that I should have been praying, I was scrolling thru social media. Times I should have been listening to the voice of God, I was listening to videos of others on social media. The best way to determine if social media is separating you from God is by looking at your own habits and see if you are using your actions on social media for God’s good purposes. Spending an unhealthy amount of time on social media can quickly turn into idolatry. Idolatry is the worship of false idols and its extremely dangerous. Idolatry creates a space where we choose possessions, desires, and works of the flesh over God. While the Bible, God’s word warns us of these idols, many of us are not even aware we are worshiping them. If you feel a sense of distance from God based on your own social media use, that is a clear indicator that you need to take a break and draw closer to Him. The closer you walk with God, the less room there is for anything to come between you and HIM. Disconnect to reconnect with God.
Social Media is Stressing You Out

Life in general has enough stresses of its own. Social media sometimes can induce and add to the stress. Posts on social media about currents in the news, news from friends that may not be all so good can weigh on you and cause stress. While many of us enjoy staying connected on social media, excessive use can fuel the feelings of stress, anxiety and depression. Stepping away from social media can relieve the stresses of the world and people. It’s not that you do not care, but in some cases, you must guard your heart. Proverbs 4: 23 -Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life. Studies have shown that when people take a break from social media, their mood becomes lighter, they discover new hobbies and they find a new level of inspiration.
Social Media Has You Feeling Uninspired

Even if you love social media, there are times you feel like you have hit a wall. Being a content creator, I get in a bind sometimes where I am not inspired at all. Content creation is difficult at times. You must be consistent, deliver a ton of value to it, and make sure the content is good. If the current content I am posting doesn’t seem creative enough or inspire me, then it’s time for me to step away refocus and recollect so when I return I am able to put my best creativity forward. Taking a break for social media for even a short time will allow for one to refocus. I suggest get back into nature, find others means of inspirations so when you do return, you are relaxed and well able to produce your best work. This will also allow for the refreshing of your creativity, and to gain inspiration.
Social Media has become Time Consuming

Time is a valuable commodity that cannot be replaced. Once time is gone, it is gone. If you can scroll for hours upon hours on social media and have gone blind or unaware of the time that has past, you need to take a break from social media. Social media allows for you to get lost with the time and it provides the perfect storm of distraction. A person may log onto social media to post one picture or post and can be immediately engulfed in the other’s post and content. Your eyes become glued to the screen and before you know it and hour has passed. You have lost a lot of time being consumed by posts, pictures, and sometimes let us admit plain “old garbage.” If this is you, then it is a clear indicator that you need to take a break from social media.
Social Media has You in Comparison Mode.

We all have played the comparison game. Comparison only robs one’s ability to see their own qualities and characteristics. Some have the comparison game for so long that they no longer recognize themselves Social comparison is when one spends more time observing the lives and images of others and then look at themselves begin to compare and may even compete to be up what is being displayed. This can lead to low self-esteem and self-evaluation. It only takes one quick scroll through a social media feed and the comparisons begin leaving you vulnerable to deception and lies such as “you’re not pretty enough,” “you’re not good enough,” “you’re not popular enough,” “you aren’t skinny enough,” “you don’t measure up,” and there’s a host of others. It becomes and endless cycle the longer we scroll and compare. If this is happening to you, then you may need to take a break from social media. Taking this break can help one to focus on themselves rather that everyone else and it will allow for one to see they are perfect the way they are. Photos are altered and made to look a certain way. Insecurities may cease as a result. Comparison only carries the struggle of trying to compare everyone else’s highlights to the behind the scene us. Social media only captures moments and highlights, never the whole scene. You are often seeing success but never the struggles that we all have and face.
Social media is just a tool to connect us. The key is to not let social media consume you. I would suggest only have certain times that you log on. Turn off notifications when you are not engaged in social media, this will eliminate distractions. The indicators listed above tells one that it’s time to unplug and reconnect to real life thru face to face interactions with people, nature and one’s self.