Hair and Beauty Tips


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Having a good practice of a healthy life style is essential to healthy hair and hair growth. Hair vitamins play a crucial role in supporting existing growth and continued hair health. Adding vitamins is another way to care for your hair from the inside out. As a disclaimer before starting to take any supplements consult your doctor. Vitamins for hair growth can help provide the hair follicles with the necessary building blocks for healthy activity. Hair vitamins can make hair healthier and stronger in addition to longer.  Stunted hair growth can be caused by a number of factors ranging from illness, medication, poor diet, hormones and over-styling. Incorporating vitamins in your diet can help to maximize the growth of your hair.  Hair grows anywhere from 1/4 in to 1/2 inch a month. Retaining the length is essential to seeing the results of hair growth. To maintain shiny, healthy hair and provide the nutrients your hair needs, maintain a balanced diet and incorporate vitamins in your routine .

    • Vitamin C is a vitamin that you should definitely incorporate into your diet.  Vitamin C builds collagen which is paramount for hair growth.  These vitamins work to promote healthy hair and your longest, thickest and fastest possible hair growth Vitamin C forms the structure of blood vessels.  Increase blood flow to the scalp can increase hair growth.  You can get vitamin C from foods and fruits as well.  Fruits such as broccoli, kiwi, oranges, strawberries and tomatoes.   Related article-
    • To have a healthy hair follicle, Vitamin D is must. Studies have shown it can prevent hair loss. Vitamin D stimulates hair follicles to grow.  Vitamin D plays a role in the creation of new hair follicles. new hair follicles equates to more hair growth.
    • Iron deficiency is also another element to hair loss.  This deficiency is inhibits the productions of hemoglobin, which is essential for hair growth.  Some symptoms of iron deficiency include fatigue, shortness of breath and frequent infections and pica (which is craving non-food items such as chalk or ice) brittle nails and HAIR LOSS.  As recommended consult with your doctor to determine a regime tailored for you.
    • Biotin or vitamin B-9 a popular supplement used for hair growth.  Vitamin B-9 not only promotes healthy hair, but it also prevents dryness.  It also increases the overall elasticity of hair which can minimize breakage.  Biotin helps with growth production of hair as well as improving skin and nails. Biotin promotes hair growth by renewing the hair follicles that are already growing. Biotin supplements in your diet can result in thicker, fuller and healthier looking hair.