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Can I really do all things through Christ?  This is a question I feel that ponders many believers.

But the answer is “YES” you can do all things thru CHRIST who gives you strength. Life can get got overwhelming at times but with the help of Christ, the road of life can be easier.  Philippians 4:13 is a scripture that is kind of cliche, but I want to really dissect this scripture line upon line.  The first part states ” I can do all things thru Christ”  This basically states that Christ will give you the ability to do anything that is in HIM.  Not our will, but thine will. Our flesh wants to fight and rebel against the things of Christ, which can have you burdened down.  So the second part of the scripture “who gives me strength” basically means that Christ will give you the strength to do it.  The Lord will not put no more on you than you are able to bear so where you are weak,  in HIS strength you are made perfect.  God has already strengthen us for the fight, but it is up to us to submit to HIS will and not our own.  We like to say “I can do all things thru Christ who gives me strength in areas where the LORD does not even want us in.  Doing this you are fighting against GOD. I tell people fighting with GOD is like fighting a loosing battle. You are never going to win.

So I challenge you the next time you quote that scripture ” I can do all things thru CHRIST who strengthens me” ask yourself, “Is the thing in CHRIST?”

Last note being that we are in the end times knowing this scripture is key. There will be a “Great Falling Away” (2 Thessolonians 1-3) the bible declares. Knowing this will prepare and equip you when your flesh wants you to surrender and throw in the towel.  Gird yourself and speak “I can do all things thru CHRIST who gives me strength”  The strength he gives you is eternal!!!
